Why Divergent is better than Hunger Games

First off let me make this clear that this is an opinion and a controversial one at that.
For the few people out there that have not read the Hunger Games (yes, apparently there are still people), it is about Katniss, a girl who takes place of her sister in the Hunger Games. These games are a barbaric test of survival for 12 different districts. The districts all produce a key element of life such as coal, fish and cloth. All of said districts are ruled by the almighty Capital. It is set in a dystopian future in a place called Panama which would be modern Canada.
Divergent (which is a much lesser known book) is about Tris, a girl that has to chose between different factions. These factions are like different states in one country or city and there are five. Tris choses Dauntless the faction of bravery, however now she has to prove herself worthy of a place. Each of these five factions represent a human trait and they are all set in which nowadays would be modern Chicago, also in a dystopian future.
Do I really need to ask if you can see the similarities?
Before I argue one case over another's, if you enjoyed the Hunger Games you will love Divergent (which is also a trilogy and a film coming out soon), it is fast paced, exciting and contains truly relatable characters. Which brings me on to my first reason;
Tris is far more relatable than Katniss
Tris and Tobias from Divergent coming out in April 2014 Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games
Those who don't want to enter spoiler territory for either Look Away Now and if you don't think you have time to read the books well sorry they took me two days (not each, together).
Let's talk about Katniss' situation first. She sacrifices herself for her sister, fearlessly might I add then she scarifies her life and safety on many other occasions not even quivering. Good for her, but I would be terrified, I don't care if its my younger sister I would be having a mental breakdown! Her selflessness has put her into this life threatening situation. Whereas Tris is selfish. Her difficult situation has come about by having to chose between what she wants and what her family does. She chooses what she wants, which I would do along with many others in a heartbeat. Then the book constantly mentions the people she has left behind and even says how she herself is being selfish and cruel at times. In my opinion this is far more human to question yourself with fear and doubt then not, being an unwavering martyr.
Peeta vs Tobias
I find Peeta a wimp. Sorry, but he is a bakers boy literally! The only reason Katniss and him get together is because at first she pities him. His strategy in the Hunger Games is to pretend to be on the oppositions side and paint himself. Really Katniss? I also find they way their romance is written out a bit patronising. Suzanne tries to use the is it going to happen isn't it tactic which in the end gets tiring. However I do admit Peeta develops far more in the following books, but this is about the Hunger Games, not Catching Fire. Tobias or Four as he is known to the dauntless community is quite honestly tall dark and handsome. He is not to be messed with as on his first interaction with Tris he throws a knife at her face ( it makes sense in the book). Instead of pitying Tobais, Tris looks to him as guidance, which in a modern relationship is far more relatable.
Factions are easier to keep track of then Districts 
This could just be me but reading The Hunger Games I could only keep track off two district purposes, 12 which is Katniss' District, coal and 4 which is fishing (don't ask me why). Now this isn't constantly mentioned in the book, but when it was it completely broke my immersions. Then they dangled District 13 in front of your face, which lead to more confusion on my part. Again this could be my personal incompetence but I couldn't quite feel like I was there because of this. In Divergent to this day I can still name all the factions, Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor and Abnegation. The traits are still easy to keep track of and you get a sense of where your place in the world would be. The traits also make sense with the jobs that the factions carry out in society, e.g. Abnegation are in charge of politics as they would make selfless decisions which is the trait they carry. It isn't set in such a big place (Chicago compared to Canada) so visualising it is far easier. The author also mentions frequently seeing the other buildings of the factions, which again really helps.
There are more reasons for my opinion but these are the most obvious. I'm curiou to here your opinion do you prefer one over the other or can you not decide? I' really excited for the new Divergent film coming up! I have high hopes seeing as the film of the Hunger Games was good too, the final book for the divergent series is out as well and Catching Fire is coming at the end of this month. Anyone want to predict what'll be doing November then?